Signature Programs
Bridging the Gaps
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Youth Camps
Bridging the Gaps Youth Camps are built to challenge teenagers to break down the barriers of gender, language, caste, and socio-economic status creating a transformative experience. Our camps are designed to overcome these societal barriers through sport (Ultimate Frisbee), art, dance and personal development sessions. An atmosphere charged with positivity and infused with non-judgment and respect provides teens with the space to make their transformation.
Our camps are designed to target two age groups – teens (participants) and college-aged young men and women (coaches). The majority of our participants and coaches are from underprivileged backgrounds, have never traveled outside their communities and normally would not be able to afford camp.
Client organizations can request us to create camps ranging from two to five days that are adapted to the needs of the community. Prior to camp we offer intensive facilitator training which provides tremendous personal development and leadership building opportunities for staff.
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Dissolving Differences
"First day of camp I didn't feel very comportable with my teammates, but during the t-shirt making process, I grew closer to my teamates because it was an activity that required two people to work together to accomplish."
- Camp participant, age 15
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Why Ultimate Frisbee?
Bridging the Gaps teaches Ultimate Frisbee because its unique elements allow more opportunities for personal and team development than other sports.
Ultimate Frisbee is a 7 on 7 person game played on a rectangular field with two end zones developed in the U.S.A in the 1960s. The object of the game is to score a point by catching a pass in the opponent’s end zone.
Ultimate Frisbee’s unique elements include:
The sport requires boys and girls to play together on a team - an aberration to cultural practices within Indian communities where boys and girls rarely mix in sport.
Settling contested fouls through discussion between the players involved is a focus of the game – this facilitates open communication between players and fosters conflict resolution.
A Spirit Circle, unique to Ultimate Frisbee, have teams come together post-match and sit in a large circle making sure each person is seated next to a player of the opposite team. Camp Spirit Circles are held at the end of every sport session and are an amazingly effective tool to help youth build empathy.
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